Risk Management Framework (RMF) Process - NIST SP 800-37 Rev 1 - (Introduction) (CPE = 5 Hours)

Organization: CTI

Created by: Keith Frederick


This course is designed for key personnel responsible for the management and implementation of the NIST SP 800-37 Rev 1 Risk Management Framework (RMF) process. This course will provide a practical and historical reference to all relevant legislation and guidance. In addition, interactive workshops during the course will engage students to directly participate, thus ensuring a higher degree of retention and focus. 


Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Information Security or How to Manage an Information Security Program, or equivalent experience.

Who Should Attend:

Commercial Organizations as well as Ferderal Government Information Security and IT managers; Information Assurance Officers and Managers; Information Security Analysts, Consultants and Contractors; Security and Certification Officials responsible for developing Security Authorization Packages (SAP).

Risk Managament Framework (RMF) Overview


  1. Introduction
  2. Deffenitions
  3. Security Desciplines
  4. Fundamentals
  5. Introduction for RMF-Steps 1 through 6

Download Sample Part 1 - Introduction-Demo.pdf ~ (154.51 MB)

Cyber Technology Institute (CTI™)

Securing Information Assets